Flaxseed Gel & Dreadlocks

I have dreadlocks. This is another leg of my natural hair care chronicles. Dreadlocks for me were born out of pure laziness. I do not have time to grapple with hair. Being a loose natural was very time consuming. I am in a post graduate program,
and I do not have time to spend four hour fighting my hair on a weekly basis. In October, I washed my hair and I set a goal to purchase another hooded dryer. I put my hair in two strand twist and I covered it at let it ride. I almost never wear my hair out in the open. I keep it covered always. It is more spiritual than not wanting to show my hair. There is something about the energy in the atmosphere. Anyways, I didn't wash my hair for about two week. I went to Lakewood, Washington for Thanksgiving and I had my hair in two strand twist. I actual took them down and re twisted them. I wanted them to look nice while I was on holiday. After my trip, I didn't have the energy to fight with my hair so in two strand twist they stayed.

By the time December rolled around, I said that I wash going to wash them but I wasn't going to take them down. So I washed them. I have been re twisting after I wash my hair for seven months. I takes me about two hours from start to finish to make my hair look pretty. I like them.  

This is my second set of dreadlocks. The first set were small. I was having some health problems so they felt like a brillo pad. I got tired of them because they were not health and cut them all off. My health is much better. My texture has even changed. I use to be super coarse, but now I am medium coarse. My hair is cottony in texture and not wiry. I really like that. 

Why I am here....

I wanted to talk about using flaxseed gel on my dreadlocks. I made my product. This is my recipe. It's not exact, but close enough.

1/4 cup of Flaxseeds

2 c distilled water

rosemary (fresh)

1/4 c grape-seed oil

mint (fresh)

I mixed this all in a sauce pot and let it gel. After it was finished gelling, I strained all of the disposable products and put it in a mason jar. I vacuum sealed it and put it in the refrigerator until I was ready to use it. 

Well, I used it. I had to consistency of snot. Yuk, but I have to say that it made my locs feel and look lovely. I believe this is a winner. I am going to modify the recipe. It made too much. 

I am thoroughly satisfied with the flaxseed gel. I think this will be the gel that I use to retwist my hair. 


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